East London 
LGBT Seniors

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East London LGBT Seniors Constitution


It is an issues-based support group for older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer people, who can travel to East London. This means that issues affecting LGBTQ+ as they age drive the nature of support. For example, we surveyed 100 older LGBTQ+ and found isolation and loneliness were endemic, so meeting for coffee and chat, longer term plans to create a lunch club. Also, the survey found that anxiety and depression were the dominant health issues, so we are creating a directory of activities within the general area which can encourage self-worth and self-pride.

The organisation supports LGBT by advocating to the community, such as in networking with other organisations, for example Age UK, Re-engage, and where needed offering awareness training to organisations, such as supporting South Asian elders in being pioneers in making their community more supportive of LGBT.


Members need to be over 50 and self-identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans or Queer. There is no geographical restriction apart from ability to participate in activities.

There is no membership fee

We enrol members on attending activities subject to support of our aims. We also enrol members from our Meetup group who qualify as above before they attend an activity. We do not enrol members who join our Facebook group as it combines supporters and members

We keep a mailing list of all members and a whatsapp group of members who opt in.

The mailing list is reviewed quarterly to remove members who stop attending activities, or immediately when someone indicates in writing or electronically that they no longer wish to be a member.

Steering Group

The steering group is appointed by AGM or Special General Meeting.

It has at least 5 members, with power to co-opt others from the membership

There are two officers, Chair and Treasurer.

Other officer roles may be created according to need, such as secretary/membership

Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting will be held annually as part of one of the first regular support groups of each year. One month notice of date will be sent to the mailing list, with notice of amendments and nominations to the steering group to arrive by the start of the meeting. There is no quorum for an AGM so long as notice has been given

  1. Report of previous years activities
  2. Report of plans for the year ahead
  3. Financial Report, and approval of accounts
  4. Amendments to Constitution
  5. Appointment of Steering group.

Steering Group

The steering group is in perpetual conversation through a Whatsapp Steering Group so as to be nimble in a fast moving stage of development, but will meet roughly monthly as business requires. The purpose of the steering group is to make decisions on behalf of the membership.

Special General Meetings

The Steering Group may call for a Special General Meeting when business needs to be put before the wider membership, this may include amendments to the constitution.

The membership list is to be notified of a Special General Meeting, and requires three weeks notice, except when the SGM is part of a regular support meeting, in which case, one week is required. There no quorum for a SGM so long as the appropriate notice is given.

Procedure for meetings

Meetings will be facilitated by the chair or their appointee

Decisions will be made by acclamation, after seeking consensus, unless requested otherwise by any one person present.

Reports and decisions will be minuted and reported on the website


A Community Group bank account is held at Metro Bank as agreed by SGM in 2023.

There are three card holders (signatories, including Chair and Treasurer), any of the three can use the bank card, or account credentials for the activities of the group following notification on the steering group whatsapp. As safeguard check, all also have online banking access are capable of verifying any expenditure.


Should the group become unable to function, it can be declared closed by the Steering Group, and any funds dispersed to any LGBT support group in London at the discretion and agreement of any remaining bank signatories


16 March 2024